Welcome to

The Writing Rabbit

Writing RetreatS,Courses & Consulting


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Writing Rabbit

It’s time to

Write that Book, Keynote or Workshop!!

Looking for a sign that you’re meant to turn your message into a FABLE, KEYNOTE, or WORKSHOP?

Wooden Sign Post

Write that FABLE!

Cartoon Easter Bunny Rabbit Pointing

keynote or workshop...

Wave water beach
Astro pointing side 3d illustration
cute rabbit or bunny with pointing finger cartoon vector

The Writing Rabbit is here to help you go from:

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This isn’t a ghost writing service. It’s not going to teach you how to love writing (though it might make you love it more!) It’s going to give you the tools to take your principles and message and create a product (a powerful FABLE, engaging KEYNOTE, or interactive WORKSHOP) that helps your message and impact to multiply.

There are many writing services and retreats that can help you write a story. This is different! Rather than writing that elusive seaside novel, in the WR Retreats you will build tools to amplify your message to teach important lessons. You don’t need a long detailed story, because your message is the STAR!

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In addition to Retreats and Online Courses, WR offers in person workshops for writing groups, clubs and organizations, schools and universities and students of all ages are provided with age appropriate writing tools, and one on one consulting and coaching.

You may need a little help, or you may need to be guided step by step, but wherever you are, the Writing Rabbit is here to help you finally reach this milestone you’ve always dreamed of! j

Can Kate just write it for me??? YES! That’s a custom consultation, reach out for an appoinment to discuss.

Join me online for the first VIRTUAL

Fable writing retreat!

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.


Limit: 12

May 17-19, 2024

9am-12pm EST

(afternoon is at your discretion for self-guided project time)


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Tropical Beach Illustration
Writing Rabbit Retreats
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Writing Rabbit Retreats

There are two incredible ways to attend a WRR.

An online delivered 3 day virtual retreat incorporates live interactive class, active discussions, one on one meetings with Kate, feedback and action plan creation. Live sessions are half-day, with the remainder of the day left for you to work on your project at your discretion.

Attend on your own or sign up with a friend or family member and create your own materials/fable or write one together!

In beautiful Sarasota Florida, your retreat includes a schedule of classroom learning, discussion and feedback, one on one session with Kate, beach time, writing sessions, sunset meditation & yoga, and free time. Come alone or come with a friend or family member- write your own or write something together! Mature teens welcome to register as participant with parent and includes family discount.

Virtual-Online Experience

In-Person Sarasota Experience

Retreat Schedule

FABLE Retreat - Virtual

May 17-19, 2024

9am-12pm EST

Join me online for our first VIRTUAL

Fable writing retreat! Learn More!

The morning online sessions are completed by noon EST. Afternoon is free from online class time to be used at your discretion around your own schedule for self-guided project time.

Bring a friend/family member

Sign up for our newsletter to recieve coupon code

Early Bird discount applies until May 3rd

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.


Limit: 12

KEYNOTE Retreat - Sarasota, FL

Join me in SARASOTA, FL for our first IN-PERSON

Keynote writing & delivery retreat!

FALL 2024



Monday & Tuesday 9am-12, 2pm-5pm EST

registeration not open yet

Limit: 12

This is a commuter retreat. Reccomendations for hotels, restaurants, and airports will be sent after registration.

Friday Session includes Dinner.

Each morning is focused on writing and designing your keynote.

Each afternoon is focused on delivery, practice exercises, using feedback to improve and gain confidence.

12-2pm break each day for lunch and free time.

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Sign up for newsletter to be alerted when registration opens

Wave water beach

Writing Rabbit



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Classy Circle



Do you have a message to share? Have you been through an experience that you know could help others? Did you learn powerful life lessons, perspective, hope, resilience, and other principles that can inspire and change lives?

A fable is a vessel for sharing important lessons with others in a fun, easy to digest format. They are simple, relatable, and enjoyable shorter books with unique formatting.

Writing a fable is not the same as writing a full novel or fiction book. They have different objectives, formatting, altered character development and so much more that make fables much harder to develop than they seem. Here, the message is the star and the reader is the main character.

A live class with one of the only WSJ bestselling female business fable writers, is like having your own writing coach to help you step by step to create a learning tool that can inspire readers for years to come.

Kate will take you through her easy to follow system from clarifying your message, to building your principles, storyboarding, and building chapters. SPend 3 days in Sarasota or Virtually wherever you are, at a WR Retreat and turn your message into your powerful fable, step by step.

The room is filling up and it’s about to be go time. How do you feel about your talk? Want to create a keynote that makes your message shine through, connect with the audience, have all the elements that keep them engaged and makes a lasting impact?

Where do you start and how do you make it flow? Whats the best way to end it and how can you look confident and knowledgable while staying on time and remembering it all? We work on all this and more!

These are LIVE, In-Person, development classes that allow you to grow as a keynote writer, and as a speaker so that the power in your message shines through. In addition to keynote writing on your topic, you will learn to overcome speaking fears, deliver a clear message, hold engagement and connect with your audience.

Open Registration keynote Retreats

Classy Circle


Writing &


Would organizations benefit from an interactive experience to turn your message into practical application to grow and develop? Workshops are fun, hands on, engaging and create measurable change when done effetively.

Or they can be miserable and boring...

An effective workshop is a highly valuable tool and if you have one, you’ll be asked to come back again and again and reffered to others often. Increase your message value by creating a workshop or study guides.

In this virtual or on-location retreat, you will learn how to build a half or full day workshop including materials, content, activites to include, discussion starters, redirecting and reading a room, facilitation tips, practice and feedback, and how to over come the nerves of leading a large group.

Open Registration workshop Retreats

Classy Circle


& Study Guide

Content Creation

Realistic bunny with glasses. Easter bunny.

Contact the Writing Rabbit Staff

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Request a consultation to host a private event for your group or school, or private coaching


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Some Reviews

for Kate’s Fables

Read More

coauthored with Jon gordon

“Kate’s superpower with her clients has been her ability to relate and engage with teams and individuals to create positive transformations. In her book Superpower, she uses that gift to highlight the tools that shift doubts into positive belief and insecurity into confidence. This is a game changer for anyone who has been holding back the person they know they are truly meant to be.”

―JON GORDON, 12x bestselling author of The Energy Bus and The Carpenter

“At eXp, our unique approach to a traditional industry and collaborative environment, inviting contributions from our agent partners, lead us to achieve industry-leading results in growth while serving with excellence. Being willing to stand out from the rest created a clear competitive advantage. Kate has provided the inspiration and tools to discover the superpowers within and a path to let your superpowers lead the way through another of her engaging stories you won’t want to put down.”

―DAVE CONORD, President, eXp Realty, North America

“Kate has delivered another impactful message wrapped up in an entertaining fable. Not only can everyone identify and apply the lessons taught through Trent and Emma’s journey, the discussion questions make this a great tool for any group and team looking to enhance their cultures.”

―DAMON WEST, bestselling coauthor of The Coffee Bean

“Superpower delivers a great message we all need to hear! Embracing all that life offers with faith over fear requires us to understand and accept the unique superpowers that each of us has been given. This inspiring story sets the stage for a life of courage and conviction to be ourselves in the best possible way.”

―KARLTON CREECH, Vice Chancellor for Athletics and Recreation at the University of Denver

This book comes at such a critical time in American history. Kate has found the most simplistic way to deliver an empowering message that we need to understand and accept peoples differences, and uniqueness. Each and very person has Superpowers that make us unique, different and special. Through the teaching of a very special teacher Kate tells the story of Trent and Emma and through group exercises, games and puzzles they all find their superpowers and what makes them special. Highly recommend this book for all. A great easy read and story with an amazing lesson

I sat down and read this book the same night I received it — which is completely out of my character. This really is a quick, easy read. I like how the lessons can be applied to any age and any team, at work, school, sports, etc. It is a good lesson and I also plan to have my kids read it. If you are looking for a short motivational read, this is a nice one.

I was excited to get my copy of Stick Together and immediately sat down to begin reading it. While it was a very quick read - it gave me pause to reflect on my work team. As a very high performing team, we sometimes struggle with "sticking together" The zeal to self improve and produce overshadows the team culture so its imperative that I, as the team leader, must continue to provide the motivation and coaching for the entire team to stick together. This book provides the framework to do just that. I'm using this on Monday morning...now to go to my back yard to pick up sticks!

I teach English to adult immigrants and I like to teach from a “skinny” book each summer. In the past, I’ve taught intermediate and advanced students, but this summer I had several beginners among them. This is a great “chapter” book with an engaging story and, like Aesop’s fables, there’s a wonderful life lesson embedded in the story. Understanding the action was a community effort: the more highly skilled students helped the beginners, and all students were encouraged because they were able to participate in AUTHENTIC language use.

I don’t even like, or care for

reading but was given this book. It wasn’t what I thought and still turned out great! Highly recommend it to work out togetherness , etc.

Jon Gordon and Kate Leavell did an excellent job outlining the core principles necessary to grow a healthy, effective team! The fable approach allows the message to easily be used for teams of all ages. The message is universal and can even be applied to the most important team in the world...your own family. If you are someone who doesn't enjoy simple solutions, then this approach may not be for you. Just keep in mind that although the concepts may seem easy or obvious, the implementation is fun, exciting, and at times challenging moments that allow for real growth!

This book is and easy-to-read story with a powerful message about how your uniqueness makes is GREAT. Through the story, it illustrates that we don't have to hide or hold back who we are and that our authenticity matters. So relevant and can apply to business, sports and life!

As an educator and coach for over 20 years, I cannot stress how important the message this book conveys is, especially in these stressful times. Finding your true self is important for everyone. I will certainly share this with my high school students and athletes and well as my middle school daughters. The book is very well written and is an easy read with nice illustrations. I highly recommend this book!

This book is a quick read and full of impact. Because it is short and to the point, you can easily remember the message and share it with your co-workers. You will learn 7 characteristics of a good team and how to get your members to stick together on a path towards a common goal. If you work with people, this book will help you develop strength within your ranks. I read all of Jon Gordon's books and he never disappoints. This colaboration with Kate Leavell is no exception. Thanks Jon & Kate!

This is a great book that focuses on how teams connect and accomplish "consistent effort every day". I love that " a team's collective belief must be greater than all the adversity and negativity they face." Thank you for another wonderful book that can be utilized in helping teams work together.

A wonderful story that every person should read. A perfect story to help every child understand the unique greatness they possess. My favorite quote from the book is “What you see is combined with what we already know to form our truth.

I really enjoyed the principles of teamwork versus individuality that this book offered. It was a very quick, simple read, but also a great reminder. I plan on getting around 40 copies to distribute to my professional team as encouragement and a great reminder of all we can accomplish together, even in the face of adversity.

Everyone needs a Mr E in their life!! What is your Superpower? Are you a giraffe? What a great book for kids and adults on being your authentic self and proud of it!! Kate is an amazing author who through this book will have you find your superpower!!!

This time, Jon joins together with co-author Kate Leavell to tell a story about teamwork. About creating an unbreakable bond among team members. Fast-paced. Easy to read. The story will "stick" with you. If you're on a team or building a team, I highly encourage you to read it.

the Writing Rabbit

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When I was 8, I sent a small packet of poems into a publisher. This was back in 1986, when 8 year olds didn’t have access to internet or directions. I looked up the address in the copywright section of a book and I used that to address the envelope. I didn’t incude a letter, just my poems and some artwork and my name, age, and address. And then I waited.

....and waited. And waited. Then I kinda forgot about it. But that publisher sent me a package one day. Inside it contained a children’s book about bears by one of their authors and a very sweet note that told me how to create a book of my own. They told me they didn’t publish children’s writing but to keep practicing. I kept the poems and letter they sent me to this day. I became a prolific writer, a rabbit speed producer of writing. I knew that one day I would walk into a book store and see my book on the shelf. I was obsessed.

Life took me in many directions since that letter came, but I never stopped writing. I wrote for fun, I made newsletters, created booklets, had notebooks upon notebooks of poetry and musings, and entertained my friends with witty and rediculous rhymes about whatever situation we were in at the moment. I wrote lyrics, I wrote stories, I wrote blogs, I wrote letters. I wrote and I wrote and I walked into bookstores and I willed it with everything in me. I knew I had a message to share, but I wasn’t sure how to write a book...

One day after recieving yet another email asking me for drills and advice from a new lacrosse coach, I sighed and thought, I keep writing the same thing over and over. If only there was a way to just make something once and send it out.

Oh, wait, there is! And that is where my first book, the Coaches’ Emergency Practice Guide, was born. I self-published and had to learn everything along the way. But coaches were so grateful for their new resource, and without any marketing it ended up being sold in stores, athletic conventions and used internationally as a training tool for new coaches.

What started as a tool for coaches became just the beginning. 6 years later, I was number 5 on the Wall Street Journal bestsellers list, as a coauthor of Stick Together. I was on the new release wall, front and center when you walked in the door of any big bookstore. My dream went from too big to so very real. Speaking and creating workshops and content took it all to a whole new level. My relentless drive to provide experiences for my clients that they would remember and transform from, helped me create a system for writing, speaking, and creating content that I wish I had been given when I was starting out. I was terrified to create a keynote and then try to deliver it, remember it, and make a great impression. Im so excited to bring these tools and lessons I’ve learned to you, so you can confidently go out and do what you are MEANT TO DO!

Turn a powerful message into an enjoyable fable or training tool to reach more people and amplify your voice. Now you have no excuse not to Write that BOOK! Write that KEYNOTE and knock it out of the park! Create those workshops and study guides! The world needs to hear what you have to share and somewhere inside, you know it.


Kate Leavell

Kate is Wall Street Journal bestselling author, a sought after dynamic speaker and workshop facilitator, the former VP of Leadership Development for Jon Gordon, creator of the University of Denver Student Athlete Leadership program, and has worked with clients such as:

LPGA, Siemens, EXP Realty, Equitable, Wolters Kluwer, Manhattan College, Bridgewater State University, Baylor University, Illinois Pretrial Courts, Keller Williams Realty, Tornillo School District, Goodwill Industries, Oakesdale School District, Gieco, Premier Water, Wounded Warrior Project, and many more.

Her book coauthored with Jon Gordon titled Stick Together is not only a WSJ Bestseller but has sold more than 75 thousand copies since its March 2021 release. Her most recent Wiley Publishing fable, SUPERPOWER, has been used by corporations and school districts all over the country to inspire overcoming self-doubt and embracing INIMITABILITY! She is also the author of bestseller Confessions of an Imperfect Coach, Team 8, The Coaches Emergency Practice Guide, and has been featured in podcasts and publications around the world.

Fable Writing Retreat (Virtual)

What to expect from your WRR experience

  • Develop clarity of your message, audience, characters, storyline, and create chapter outlines. You should finish your retreat with clear direction and a reviewed chapter with feedback and next steps.
  • Your 1 on 1 meeting with Kate will help to map out where you hope this fable will take you, how you’d like to proceed after your story is complete, and what options are available for you depending on your personal goals. You will also review a written chapter of your book (or storyline depending on how much time you spend in your afternoon self-guided project time) with her and get feedback and suggestions to help your message and your story shine.
  • You have the option of adding on further guidance after your retreat with editing, publishing options, cover creation, continued coaching throughout the writing process, marketing and more.
  • Be sure to watch for the KEYNOTE retreat, and WORKSHOP retreat to take your book and message to another level of impact!

Join me online for our first VIRTUAL

Fable writing retreat!

Click Here Button with Hand Pointer.


Limit: 9

May 17-19, 2024

9am-12pm EST

(afternoon is at your discretion for self-guided project time adn to work around your personal/work schedule)

Hallmarks of a great fable

for sharing a message

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  • Evokes emotion, empathy, and reveals something
  • Makes reader think deeper
  • Offers readers new perspective
  • Connects and Relates to reader
  • Can be translated to fit different groups/circumstances
  • Clear, simple, applicable, lends to great group discussion
  • The Message and principles are the star, more than the characters or the story itself
  • It flows, connects beginning to end, and isn’t afriad to challenge old ways of thinking.
  • Length is appropriate for audience and delivery of principles and application.
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